Friday 7 September 2012

Mat. Leave...where did you go?!?

I'm beginning to stress a little about the fact that I am going to have to go back to work soon.

 I've been on maternity leave for 10 months now...and I'm loving it. Well...not loving the bills that are creeping up a bit, but definitely loving the time I'm home with Princess Pretty Face (PPF for short), loving the cooking and baking and organising that I've been doing. Loving being home for Monkey when he gets home for school (even though he's almost 13 now). Loving the lack of office stress that I know is waiting for me.

In 3 more weeks, I'll be going back to the office for a few hours twice a week and putting PPF in a home daycare. I'll be doing that for a month...and then I'll go back full time. I'm a firm believer in taking steps and that's why I'm doing things this way. I really want to wean her in to being cared for by someone other than me. She's a very easy going kid, and is familiar with her caregiver-to-be but still...I know I'd feel better if I do things this way.

I know, I tell myself that I'm doing this for her when it's quite possibly just as much as for me. I'm not blind to that, but it's hard to go back after a year. Hard to give up that special time. Hard to be separated...especially knowing that there is a very good possibility that this little one will be my last.

In the meantime, I'm going to get everything I can out of the next 3 full weeks and then the following 5 part-time weeks. I have plans to exercise, organise, clean out cupboards, go on brisk fall walks with PPF in the stroller, and spend as much quality time with the kids and hubby as possible. Not that my life is going to end when I go back to the office or anything, but my 'casual' time certainly will!

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